Jim Snider CAI, CPPA, Auctioneer

37 years as auctioneer selling a variety of auctions including: farm, household, antique, art, estate, real estate, bankruptcy, and business liquidations in Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, and Nova Scotia. 29 years as automobile & equipment auctioneer in Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia. 33 years as appraiser through regular course of auction business. Mr. Snider is President of the Canadian Personal Property Appraisers Group and is an instructor with that organization.
Mark Snider CPPA, Auctioneer

As a 3rd generation auctioneer Mark has been around the auction & appraisal business for his whole life. Beginning his work handing out items to buyers and holding things up for all to see, then getting older, working as a clerk, cashier, ring man, and general labourer. At just 31 years old he has 12 years as an auctioneer selling a variety of auctions including: farm, household, antique, art, estate, real estate, bankruptcy, and business liquidations in Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia. 10 years as automobile auctioneer in Ontario. Clients include: Ford, General Motors, Honda Canada, Nissan Canada and many others. He's a Graduate of the Canadian Personal Property Appraisers Croup and member in good standing with 10 years as an appraiser through regular course of the auction business. A graduate of the Western College of Auctioneering in Billings, Montana.
Rob Snider CPPA, M.A., Auctioneer

Rob has been around the auction & appraisal business for the better part of his life working as a clerk, cashier, ring man, and general labourer. He attended the Canadian Personal Property Appraisers Group training & accreditation course in March 2010, and in March 2012 returned from the Western College of Auctioneering in Billings, Montana as an auctioneer. In this short period of time Rob has gained valuable experience as an auctioneer and appraiser and is confident that his past academic achievements will be transferable into the auction and appraisal field. 4 years as auctioneer selling a variety of auctions including: estate, household, antique, art, farm, business liquidations. 3 years as automobile auctioneer in Ontario selling for General Motors, Honda Financial, and countless dealers. 6 years as appraiser through regular course of auction and appraisal business.